Fingernail Talk

I’ve noticed many improvements in my body. What I hadn’t expectedfingernails and probably should have is… for the first time in my life I have fingernails!. They don’t split or crack, they’re easy to clean, they are not stiff but somewhat flexible like you would expect of the protein keratin

Wow I love it. Here I am 70 years old struggling with 33+ years primary progressive MS, sporting the look of a young woman’s hands. Not only that, my hair is darker and I have less facial hair to deal with. As a woman you know those nagging ‘man hairs’ that stick out on a chin. Obviously my female hormones affecting my body’s keratin are working..

Our PhytoZon® is proven to affect anti-aging due to its effect on the IGF-1 growth hormone. With 37 trillion cells in the body I guess it took a while to get to the fingernails. It certainly was worth the wait. I wonder what’s next?

Of course it could have to do with the other things I indulge in like drinking water, Olive and coconut oil. organic fruits and vegetables, Meats from free-range animals without chemicals, oil of oregano once in awhile and etcetera. Expensive? Nothing compared to the cost of medicines and doctors trying to correct.

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Charlotte Schneider 314-363-2040

Distributor American Dream Nutrition

PhytoZon® Thank You God

Author Female Forester Forever

Author Our Little Urban Arboretum–A Diary



October 20, 2017