clean air

20180209_082622Hello Friends,

I am blessed to have the opportunity to share what I have learned about health care with you all. Very often what is good for people is also good for animals and plants.

Though nutrition types and amounts may vary, the need for clean air is undeniable. These light bulbs dissolve bacteria, viruses, fungi, pollutants,, allergens, volatile organic compounds, smoke, gases… they are even known to be mood changers thanks to their warm bright light.

Titanium oxide and a little bit of electricity does the job of a tree in your bathroom, bedroom, basement… check out these amazing videos and the informational calls. More bulb types are coming available in the near future.

Charlotte Schneider 314-363-204

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Why Me?

WEArainndTreesINTYears ago I learned about karst topography –The Limestone bedrock dissolves as Rainwater and the chemicals it picks up move down, forming underground caves and streams.–

from the local Sierra Club and then Forestry school. Industrial Waste, medical waste; human and animal waste…Those beautiful Crystal clear waters in the country can hide many terrible things.–

After graduating and moving to the country I wondered too about the wells I was drinking from. Then I came down with primary Progressive multiple sclerosis. And my family wondered Why?

The foods we eat, the water we drink, the air we breath, affect our health. Despite my age and infirmity, my health is now improving, and it feels great!

You may also find the information given on detoxing interesting.


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Like people, trees need a variety of foods in order to be in Prime Health. Provide different mulches such as leaf mulch, wood chips, compost, especially compost tea. This tea provides many of the living organisms needed to keep soil healthy much like people use a probiotic. We have good organisms in our bodies to help us digest and function. However there are also parasites we have acquired by breathing, drinking, and eating. .

Trees have ways of detoxing water. I drink water purified by Pure AquaMins 99.9% which goes to hydrate my body 32%, considerably better than water at 2.5%. And it provides the minerals and trace minerals my body needs to function at its peak.

Air pollution interferes with trees processing their food in the leaves. And physicalleaf spot injury allows their tissues to be infected. Trees compartmentalize infections. People are injured or infected through openings in the body. The stronger our body tissues the more able we are to fight off infections, in a way compartmentalizing the injury and infection sites like trees.20170817_084013 - Copy20170816_095017

Charlotte Schneider 314-363-2040

40 years Missouri Forester, Certified Arborist

Author Female Forester Forever

Distributor American Dream Nutrition

PhytoZon Thank You God

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