homeostasis–What on earth is it!?

I want homeostasis. It means every cell in my body is producing and reproducing at its optimal.  To accomplish this I take great alternative medicines, try to eat organic and take terrific organic supplements. I drink pure water loaded with minerals. And I worship a loving God who takes care of.
But I also have to deal with an autoimmune disease that tends to derail me When you’re walking railroad tracks you fall off you get back on. When the train comes by you get off and get back on, but you always want to have your friends at your back.
This is  text of my one minute Instagram video of March 31

Charlotte Schneider 314-363-2040,  40 years Missouri Forester, Certified Arborist
Author Female Forester Forever

Health Care Advocate

fr iend

What do Minerals do for Us — Trees, and People


It isn’t fair to have all those great pictures on my phone//computer and not be able to use them, but I respect copyrights. Just ask your phone these questions…….

Minerals, Trees, and People

I asked my smart phone ‘ What if my tree is not getting enough manganese?’ ( You could do this with any element on the Periodic Table of Elements.) It showed pictures where green chlorophyll was lost in patterns between veins.

I pondered, ‘What if my tree was getting too much of an element, like potassium. The phone showed me pictures of leaves with different patterns and some fertilizer burn along the margins.

Personally, I was taking a potassium supplement. I asked the phone ‘What if I were getting too much potassium?’ I listened and decided to take potassium naturally, with foods and plant-based supplements rather than a chemical-based supplement.

The human gut picks up minerals better when it is alkaline. But trees and shrubs need more acidic soil to extract their minerals or they become chlorotic.  Ask your phone for pictures of chlorotic plants.

What if there are toxins in the soil, like pesticides and heavy metals?  My phone showed me pictures of leaves responding to toxins in the soil.  As an arborist I have certainly seen lots of this in the Urban environment.  Toxins affect the DNA of trees, causing erratic growth of cells in leaves and decline of the tree’s health.

How does the human body respond to toxins in our environment, in food, drinking water and the air we breath?

Charlotte Schneider, Certified Arborist,  Missouri Forester 25 years, Healthcare Advocate

primary progressive multiple sclerosis survivor


20170723_102800As a Forester and CA I have hundreds of times heard ‘trees do not heal they only seal a wound’. I disagree. Callus growth forms outside and barriers inside to protect the tree.

Trees reabsorb a lot of these barriers and callous growths. I remember observing a logged area where a tree was cut three feet above the base because the bottom couple feet were Hollow due to a battle scar with a forest fire. Above that wound the wood was clean. And obviously the logger knew.

What difference to me? scar tissue from Multiple Sclerosis infection that formed on my spine, in my brain, in my atrophied arm is very similar to callus and barriers on and in trees.

When I posed this belief to a wonderful new friend studying cell structure related to cancer, he texted me back stating “Reabsorption of scar tissue is a critical process in our bodies and for trees.” “… many chronic diseases are due to a lack of proper wound healing.”

In trees it would have to relate to proper nutrition (from soil, rain, air) and tolerable stress (from competition, air and water pollution, I&D wounding) as well as genetics. What will it take for my body to reabsorb my scar tissues assuming that will be good for me?

Has anyone out there in Facebook land learned how to reabsorb scar tissue?

Charlotte Schneider 314-363-2040

40 years Missouri Forester, Certified Arborist

Author Female Forester Forever

Distributor American Dream Nutrition

PhytoZon Thank You God

nitric oxide now available

Share if you Care

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Like people, trees need a variety of foods in order to be in Prime Health. Provide different mulches such as leaf mulch, wood chips, compost, especially compost tea. This tea provides many of the living organisms needed to keep soil healthy much like people use a probiotic. We have good organisms in our bodies to help us digest and function. However there are also parasites we have acquired by breathing, drinking, and eating. .

Trees have ways of detoxing water. I drink water purified by Pure AquaMins 99.9% which goes to hydrate my body 32%, considerably better than water at 2.5%. And it provides the minerals and trace minerals my body needs to function at its peak.

Air pollution interferes with trees processing their food in the leaves. And physicalleaf spot injury allows their tissues to be infected. Trees compartmentalize infections. People are injured or infected through openings in the body. The stronger our body tissues the more able we are to fight off infections, in a way compartmentalizing the injury and infection sites like trees.20170817_084013 - Copy20170816_095017

Charlotte Schneider 314-363-2040

40 years Missouri Forester, Certified Arborist

Author Female Forester Forever

Distributor American Dream Nutrition

PhytoZon Thank You God

Share if you Care


drought_stressHow much water do we need to drink?  What signs do we show when we are drought-stressed?

I know trees need one inch per week of water to their root system to provide for their leaves and branches in the summer. Considering the root system may go out twice the height of the tree measured from the trunk… that is a lot of water. And surface watering for the trunks with a sprinkler won’t do it. Picture from urbantreealliance.org

Authorities say we should as people drink half our body weight in oz in water every day. Because I drink purified water with added minerals offered by my company I know that my cells are getting what they need. But what about my friends?

Drinking sugared drinks consistently is way negative. Even drinking bottled water is not necessarily good for you if you research quality.

When trees don’t get enough water they wilt… sometimes to the point of non recovery

But what happens to people?

Ulcers, all kinds of bowel disorders, blood and heart disorders due to poor circulation, UTIs, prostate and ovarian disorders, and


Charlotte Schneider PPMS Survivor   314.363.2040

40 years a Missouri Forester, Certified Arborist,

PhytoZon advocate and American Dream Nutrition Distributor

I care about good health….share if you care


Ret u rn

Dear MS Blog Followers

I have been remiss in not blogging for some time. I get distracted with different things and time gets away. despite the vagaries of this horrendous disease I am, thanks to my PhytoZon, healthy. And that is an amazing story despite environmental challenges and dealing with personal stressors.

Still using my standing frame 3 times a week thanks to Renee and my exercise friend.

Went to a block party in Webster with Renee and met a research scientist from SLU that has some suggestions we are following up on. And Renee has opened him up to interesting things that might help his friends and us. Can’t do everything at once so I promise I will keep you informed

We of course are still hoping for stem cell possibilities. When I have real improvements likely it will be due to stem cells whether it be mine or?

I am again using my Facebook with the encouragement of my company American Dream Nutrition. I continue to pray for people to pick up on this alternative and call me as a distributor so we can share. Everyone makes their own choices in life. For me I choose L.I.F.E.

Have a wonderful day, week, month, year, decade, and give me a call if you’d like to chat about anything.

Charlotte Schneider   314.363.2040

34-year Survivor PPMS,   40 years Forester, Certified Arborist,

American Dream Nutrition Distributor


The End of the Beginning

A few decades ago I was working my dream job as a Forester, walking among big beautiful trees in forests owned by landowners such as yourself.

Then I was given a frightening diagnosis, primary progressive multiple sclerosis, that changed my life. I immediately followed other dreams, I bought a horse and a small wooded Farm which I enjoyed for many wonderful years.

Gradually the diagnosis took its toll on my body and the job changed. I became a desk jockey giving advice over the phone about caring for trees to homeowners.

Almost four years ago it worsened. My legs twisted like pretzels. A church friend came to my rescue providing 24/7 care. Since then we have been diligently searching out different alternatives.

Then 2 years ago Dr. Edward B., a friend of my assistant, shared knowledge of a new alternative.

It works! Doing what no doctor or medicine has been able to do, help me turn this awful auto-immune disease around, and even strengthen my immune system.

I don’t know what life challenges you will face now or in the future, but I can give you what he gave to me: Hope, not only Physical but Financial, beyond my wildest dreams. Let’s make our dreams come true.



314 363 2040

Author Female Forester Forever,


Certified Arborist since 1998, Missouri Forester over 35 years

Master Gardener MBG,

Author Female Forester Forever

Author  Our Little Urban Arboretum
